Thursday, June 13, 2013

Upcoming Hiatus

So I'm actually rather impressed with how often I've been updating this in the past week (although mostly it means I'm procrastinating...) but starting on Saturday morning, I will be taking a 2 week hiatus. My program originally had two one-week field study trips scheduled: one to Bosnia and one to Turkey. However, with the recent strife going on throughout Turkey, and most specifically in Istanbul and Izmir, where we would have been traveling, they have altered our trip. So we will now be spending two weeks in the Balkans. We have a week in Bosnia, and then a week visiting Croatia, Albania, and Kosovo! But I will not be bringing my computer on this trip and we will most likely have limited internet access anyways.

One last little post - I took a run today up the mountain and up a tower. We'd done this run before, but I didn't have my camera with me, so I made sure to bring it this time! The view is absolutely spectacular. My pictures do not do it justice, but here they are:

I may have been a little worn out...

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