Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Eine Freundin!

We found a moose!
This weekend was very exciting, because my friend from home, Aileen, came to visit! She was visiting her home-stay family from previous study abroad experiences, and luckily our trips coincided!

She introduced me to Schnitzel, Spätzle, and Dönner, all of which are delicious! 

We found the tree that survived the bombings in WWII, even when much of the city was destroyed, and a hotel that has been here since the 1000s! It was painted red so that the mostly illiterate population could tell that it was an inn. We also met up with her German friend, Lisa, and I got to practice my (very poor) German! My language skills are definitely improving, though. A few of us in the program like to go sit in a cafe or bar and just speak in German for a few hours every day; it is definitely helping and is a lot of fun, too!


  1. What does Eine Freunde mean? My friend? One friend?

  2. Whoops, should have been Freundin, but yes, it means a friend.
